Kristine Lost 29 Pounds Eating Clean with CleanFoodCrush!

Hi friend! My name is Kristine and I have lost 29 pounds since August with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

I am 48 with four kids between 9 and 14. I have a husband in the military who has been deployed three times since we have been married – twice when we had the four kids.

I’ve been in education for over 25 years and have served as a Principal at an elementary school for the past five years.

I am usually at a sporting event for one of my kids-baseball, hockey, football, basketball or diving! But I do enjoy working out and I hit Orange Theory at least four or five days a week.

Last July I was on vacation with my family and we took a family photo. Looking through the pictures of our vacation, I was stunned at the amount of weight I had gained.

I tried the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge a year and a half ago, but I didn’t stick with it. Between raising four kids, being in charge of a school and a husband on deployment, my eating habits were fast food and quick unhealthy meals and I  didn’t make myself a priority.

After seeing that photo, I knew I needed to do something for my weight for my health and for my kids. 

With all four kids, I had gestational diabetes which means my chances of being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes increase by 50%. At my last physical, my sugars were pretty high and my doctor highly recommended I lose weight.

After returning from vacation, I started the 30 Day Challenge again, began gathering recipes, and ramped up my workouts.

Since starting the CFC challenge and Clean Eating, I have lost 29 pounds!  I feel better, have more energy and enjoy cooking meals for me and my family. I am down from a size 12 pants to a size 8, sometimes even a 6!  I can’t remember the last time I wore that size.

My children and husband are warming up to my Clean Eating meals. Sometimes they add sauces to things, but it is such an improvement to what they were eating before! My husband loves roasted vegetables and eats many more veggies than he used to.

Bento Lunch Boxes 3 Ways

My kids are used to fruits and veggies in their lunches now and don’t even complain when there is no sugary snack!

It has definitely been a process for me and the family and we’re all experiencing the benefits.

Starting the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge definitely took me some time to adjust to, but with the support of the admin team and the Facebook group, I did it!

It wasn’t always easy, and I had my moments, but I just kept at it and it became easier and easier, and I felt better and better each week.

Everyone is at a different place when they start and have different goals so don’t make comparisons, this journey is ALL ABOUT YOU! The Facebook group is there for support and encouragement whenever you need it.

Be true to yourself and be proud of the little accomplishments! It’s not just about the number scale, it’s about how you feel and the new freedom you experience from having a healthier lifestyle.


from Clean Food Crush

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