Joanne Lost 10.8 Pounds with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Hi there! I’m Joanne Peters and this is my review of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

I am 40 years old. I am married to a wonderful husband and we have 4 kids – our son is 16, and our girls are 14, 9, and 4. 

A big challenge in my life since high school has been weight control. At times I have been over 220 lbs. I have struggled so much with emotional eating. 

About 6 years ago I did a Bible study called “Made to Crave”. That really opened my eyes to how much I was running to food for comfort in stressful situations. I began exercising and made some changes to my diet and lost 33 lbs.

Mostly I focused on portion control, less sugar and carbs, and more vegetables, protein, and fiber and counting calories. I was about 20 lbs from my goal weight when we got a huge surprise of pregnancy with baby #4.

I felt so crummy in the first few months of pregnancy that my new healthy lifestyle quickly was replaced with comfort foods again. After our little girl was born in 2015, I really wanted to get back on track but life was so difficult then. Our sweet newborn was a very fussy baby and didn’t sleep well for about 2 years. One year rolled into another with the pounds rolling back on. 

In August of 2019, I started following CleanFoodCrush on Facebook and starting making Rachel’s recipes a couple of times a week. I began to get a bit of control over my weight and started losing a few pounds again.

Then in November and December, I didn’t make great choices in food. My teenage son and daughter have also struggled with their weight and really wanted to get healthier and lose weight, so I decided to join the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with them on Jan 2, 2020. 

I am so grateful for this choice we made. My teenagers stuck through it with me and we have learned so much! All 3 of us lost weight and inches and feel so much better! 

The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge has proven to us that we CAN do this!! We CAN make healthy choices that bring lifestyle changes!

For the first time in 6 years, I feel empowered to live healthy every day. Food no longer controls me. I am empowered to CHOOSE what foods I will eat and feel great about my healthy choices!

I lost 10.8 lbs and 8 inches in 30 Days! I feel so much better. The inflammation in my joints; especially knees has gone down tremendously.

  • I have so much more energy to do all the things I need to do as a busy mom of 4.
  • My clothes are fitting so much better.
  • I can comfortably wear jeans that were too tight a month ago!
  • AND my skin has gotten so much clearer! I constantly struggled with breakouts before.
  • I’m also incredibly grateful for the awesome and encouraging community I gained in the challenge Facebook group!

I think the BIGGEST change I am thankful for because of CleanFoodCrush is the change in my mindset. Positive thinking leads to empowerment! Empowered to make healthy choices and feel great about it.

The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge for me and my family wasn’t all easy. But we knew at times it would be hard and we were ready for it. We ate whatever we wanted whenever we wanted for so many years that truly making a lifestyle change wasn’t going to be easy! 

The first week and especially the first 3 days were extremely hard. The emotional meltdowns each of us had in that time were so challenging,  I nearly gave up. But I knew we had to push through! Detox from sugar is unreal! I had no idea how addicted to it we all were.

I am so very thankful we stuck through it and didn’t give up. Week 2 was definitely a lot easier than week 1 with so much more variety of great foods to eat. 

Week 3 was again somewhat difficult with emotions and so on, but by the end of week 4 I have NO desire to go back to my old habits and ways! This is our new abundant life! It really didn’t take long for the shift to occur – and now we LOVE how we feel, and LOVE the food we eat.

If you’re thinking about doing the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge – GO FOR IT!! You will thank yourself in 30 days for making that commitment! 

It will be hard at times but you can absolutely get through it and come out the other side stronger! Don’t be afraid to go to the challenge group and be vulnerable with your struggles! This group is amazing – so very uplifting! Do not view this as a diet. These are lifestyle changes that really work. It’s not just about losing weight. It’s about so many non-scale victories that no diet can give you. Choose healthy for yourself. YOU CAN DO THIS! 


from Clean Food Crush

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